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Singapore 1-Hour Pollutant Standards Index (PSI)

We provide you with up-to-date PSI data calculated using 1-hour PM2.5 concentrations. We have scoped our focus on the main air pollutant, PM2.5.

This is to provide near real-time information for planning immediate activities such as jogging and to to assist making better sense of PM2.5 readings by converting them to PSI scale.

The 1h-PSI based on PM2.5 concentrations is the PM2.5 PSI sub-index, calculated according to NEA methodology, but with the current PM2.5 reading instead of a 24h average.


(0 - 50)


(51 - 100)


(101 - 200)

Very Unhealthy

(201 - 300)


(Above 300)

Want to know where the haze comes from?

Screenshot 2020-04-17 at 1.33.22 PM.png

Global Forest Watch is the most advanced hotspots monitoring platform. They provide hotspot information using NASA satellites, together with wind direction, fire risk map and plantation information.

Screenshot 2020-04-17 at 1.33.32 PM.png

The NEA regional Haze map provides hotspot information using NOAA satellites with daily analysis and visualisation of Haze plume.

Screenshot 2020-04-17 at 1.33.39 PM.png

The HazeTracker map provides hotspot information from NASA’s MODIS satellite, wind direction, and the boundaries of oil palm and pulpwood concessions in Indonesia. The map also features a map layer from NUS’s CRISP imaging centre that displays the latest (2015) land use data for Indonesia’s peatland areas, as analysed from satellite images.

Hotspot: satellite detection of an area with high temperature. Hotspots come with a confidence level and “high-confidence” hotspots represent fires.

In collaboration with DataKind SG. All source codes can be find here.


Special thanks to HackerspaceSG for providing space for project discussions!

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